S'COOL: Cirrocumulus Clouds

image of cirrocumulus with cirrostratus clouds
Cirrocumulus with Cirrostratus

Photo by Jay Madigan on June 23rd, 2011, Hampton, VA
This image is an example of small cell cirrocumulus blending into a thin,
high-level cirrostratus cloud deck.

image of cirrocumulus clouds

Photo by Jeff Caplan, NASA Photographer in 1997. This is an example of fairly large-celled cirrocumulus, mostly cloudy and pretty much translucent.

image of Cirrocumulus with cirrus
Cirrocumulus with cirrus

Photo by Lin Chambers on April 17th, 1999. This image shows an example of multilayer cloudiness within a single cloud level. The cirrocumulus appears to be above a lower layer of much smoother cirrus. This indicates different wind characteristics in the two layers (probably turbulent at the higher level and much smoother at the lower level).

image of cirrocumulus clouds

Photo by Lin Chambers in Southeastern Virginia, April 1999. This is another part of the sky on the same day as above. Again there is evidence of a lower smooth cirrus layer with cirrocumulus above.

image of cirrocumulus clouds

Photograph taken just after sunset, about 8:30 pm, onJuly 8, 2005 by Dave Kratz in Poquoson, Virginia. The image shows the west northwest sky where a field of cirroculmulus is in the process of slowly dissipating. Shortly after this image was taken, the clouds began to stretch out and become more diffuse. Later that evening the skies became mostly clear, though thin cirrostratus persisted in drifting overhead for several hours.