Fog over James River
Fog over the James River near its mouth in Hampton Roads, Virginia. There was no fog over the adjacent land area. Photo by Lin Chambers.
Fog Obscuring Trees
The ultimate in low-level stratus: a cloud that touches the ground. Very flat light, and uniformly blurred view across field. Photo from Juliet Long School, Gales Ferry, Connecticut. Fog Winner in Jan 2003 S'COOL cloud photo contest.
Fog Seen from Top
The definition of fog is a cloud that touches the ground, so the lower parts of the mountains in this photo are all in a fog. Photo from Peru Central School, Peru, New York. Multilayer Winner in Jan 2003 S'COOL cloud photo contest.
Fog in a Field
This is an early-morning ground fog in a field in Newport News, VA. Photo by Carolyn Green.
Fog lapping against the mountains
Denver/Boulder winter smog cloud washing up like a lake against the mountains. Photo by Dr. Bruce Wielicki, CERES PI, in the late 1970s.
Fog on school grounds
This is a striking example of dense fog, in this case in the hills and hollows of Parson, WV. Photo by Eileen Poling, S'COOL teacher, in October 2004.